parse arg args;options cache;options failat 99;options results;signal on break_c;signal on break_d;signal on break_e;signal on break_f;signal on halt;signal on ioerr;signal on syntax;address 'MAILMANAGER';Main:;call Init;call Header;call Parse_Args(strip(args));Show;if system.arg.gui then call GUI;call Search_Msgs;if system.msgs.count=0 then call Quit(6, 'No msgs selected!!!');call Restore_Msgs;call Quit(0, 'All done.');exit;Add_Export: procedure Expose system.;arg area;if find(system.export, area)>0 then return;system.export = system.export area;MM_AddToStem 'system.export' 'area';return;Add_Msg: procedure Expose found.;parse arg nr, area, . 'PATH: ' path;if length(path)>30 then parse value right(path, 30) with . path;path = strip(path);MM_AddToStem 'found.msg' 'nr';MM_AddToStem 'found.area' 'area';MM_AddToStem 'found.path' 'path';found.maxlen = max(found.maxlen, length(area)+1);found.count = found.msg.count;return;Add_Msg_Req: procedure Expose ask. found.;parse arg nr
tmp = left(',', found.maxlen) right(, 4)': ';MM_AddToStem 'ask' 'tmp';return;break_c:; break_d:; break_e:; break_f:; halt:;signal off break_c;signal off break_d;signal off break_e;signal off break_f;signal off halt;return_code = 5;error_line = 0;error_msg = 'Execution halted!!!';rc = 0;signal Exit;Exit:;select;when return_code>=40 then error = 'INTERNAL-ERROR:';when return_code>=30 then error = 'IO-ERROR:';when return_code>=20 then error = 'ERROR:';when return_code>=10 then error = 'WARNING:';when return_code>=5 then error = 'INFO:';otherwise error = '';end;if return_code>5 & ~system.arg.noreq then call Request_Choice('\c\n'error'\n\n ' error_msg ' \n', '* _OK ', '_');call Log();call Log('***' strip(error error_msg) '***', '+');call Log(,'\');call setclip('MM_LogPre',;exit return_code;Get_Arg: procedure Expose args system.;arg keyword, mode, old;uargs = upper(args);p = find(uargs, keyword);if p=0 then do;p = pos(' 'keyword'=', ' 'uargs)
if p>0 then args = overlay(' ', args, p+length(keyword));p = find(upper(args), keyword);end;system.cmdopt.keyword = p>0;select;when mode=0 then if p>0 then do;ret = 1;args = delword(args, p, 1);end;else ret = old;when mode=1 then if p>0 then do;left = subword(args, 1, p-1);rest = subword(args, p+1);if left(rest, 1)='"' then parse var rest . '"' ret '"' rest;else parse var rest ret rest;args = strip(left strip(rest));end;else ret = old;when mode=2 then do;if left(args, 1)='"' then parse var args . '"' ret '"' args;else parse var args ret args;if strip(ret)='' then ret = old;end;otherwise exit 99;end;args = strip(args);ret = strip(ret, 'b', '" ');return ret;Get_Version: procedure;parse arg mode;parse value sourceline(3-mode) with . . ver .;parse var ver tst 'ß' .;if ~datatype(strip(tst, 'b', '/ce '), 'N') then if ~mode then ver = Get_Version(1);else exit 99;return ver;GUI: procedure Expose system.;call Log('Scanning''...')
MM_SearchMsgs 'msgs' '#?' '#?' '#?' '!DEL' '!MARK' 'UNLNKNODE';found. = 0;do n=0 to msgs.count-1;MM_ReadMsg msgs.n 'msg';if RC>0 then iterate;parse var msg.head.0 . 'AREA:' real_area .;tmp = msg.foot.count-1;call Add_Msg(msgs.n, real_area, msg.foot.tmp);end;ask. = 0;do n=0 to found.count-1;call Add_Msg_Req(n);end;MM_SortStem 'ask';ret. = 0;MM_MultiSelReq 'ask' 'ret' '"Select msgs to restore"' 'STR';if ret.count=0 then call Quit(5, 'Aborted by user!');call Log('Marking msgs...');mark = 'MARK';do n=0 to ret.count-1;parse var ret.n . ',' nr .;MM_MsgFlags nr 'mark';end;return;Header:;call Log(,'/');call Log('***' '***', '+');call Log(' ';call Log();return;Init:;system. = 0;MM_GetTaskPri 'system.taskpri';call pragma('p', system.taskpri);system.prg.ver = Get_Version(0); = 'MM_RestoreBad'; = 'v'system.prg.ver; = ' = '(C) 1996 Robert Hofmann'
system.tmpfile = 'T:''.tmp'; = getclip('MM_LogPre');system.prg.logpre ='|';call setclip('MM_LogPre', system.prg.logpre);system.cmdopts = 'BADAREA/A,MSG/K/N,MARKED/S,GUI/S,NOREQ/S,EXPORT/S';system.warn = '*** WARNING:';MM_Version '';MM_GetAreas '' 'BAD'; =;if<445 then call Quit(10, 'Sorry, you need MM >= v1.2.445 to use this script!');call Include_Lib('rexxsupport');return;Include_Lib: procedure Expose system.;parse arg lib, prio;if right(upper(lib), 8)~='.LIBRARY' then lib = lib'.library';if prio='' then prio = 0;if ~show('l', lib) then if ~addlib(lib, prio, -30, 0) then call Quit(20, 'Could not open' lib'!!!');return;IOerr:;signal off ioerr;return_code = 20;error_line = sigl;error_msg = 'IO-error' rc 'at line' sigl '['errortext(rc)']');rc = 0;signal Exit;Log: procedure Expose system.;parse arg text, pre;tmp = word('PRG MM', (pre~='')+1);text = system.tmp.logpre || pre' 'text
MM_WriteLog 'text' '2';return;Parse_Args: procedure Expose system.;parse arg args;tpl = system.cmdopts',?/S';args = translate(args, ' ', '9'x);pk = pos('/K', tpl);ps = pos('/S', tpl);select;when pk=0 & ps=0 then p = 0;when pk=0 & ps>0 then p = ps;when ps=0 & pk>0 then p = pk;otherwise p = min(pk, ps);end;p = lastpos(',', left(tpl, p));tpl = substr(tpl',', p+1) || left(tpl, max(p-1, 0));do while tpl~='';parse var tpl template ',' tpl;parse var template keyword '/' .;bool = pos('/S', template)>0;key = pos('/K', template)>0;must = pos('/A', template)>0;num = pos('/N', template)>0;select;when must then system.arg.keyword = '0'x;when bool then system.arg.keyword = 0;when num then system.arg.keyword = 0;otherwise system.arg.keyword = '';end;if bool | key then mode = ~bool;else mode = 2;system.arg.keyword = Get_Arg(keyword, mode, system.arg.keyword);if must & system.arg.keyword='0'x then do;tmp = template 'missing!!!';say;say ' ***' tmp '***';signal Usage;end
if num & ~datatype(system.arg.keyword, 'N') & ~must & system.arg.keyword~='' then do;tmp = 'Numeric value expected for' template', but is "'system.arg.keyword'"!!!';say;say ' ***' tmp '***';signal Usage;end;end;tmp = '?'; if system.arg.tmp then signal Usage;if args~='' then call Quit(10, 'Unknown option(s):' args);if upper( then call Quit(5, system.arg.badarea 'is not your #BADAREA!');if system.arg.gui & system.arg.msg>0 then call Quit(11, 'You must not use GUI/S together with MSG/K/N');if system.arg.marked & system.arg.msg>0 then call Quit(12, 'You must not use MARKED/S together with MSG/K/N');if system.arg.msg=0 & ~system.arg.marked & ~system.arg.gui then call Quit(13, 'Too few arguments!!!');return;Quit:;parse arg return_code, error_msg;error_line = 0;rc = 0;signal Exit;Replace: procedure;parse arg string,new,old;do while index(string, old) ~= 0;interpret "parse var string l '"old"' r";string = l || new || r;end;return string
Request_Choice: procedure Expose system.;parse arg text, buttons, ret_vals;title ='-Requester';text = translate(Replace(text, '0A'x, '\n'), '1b'x, '\');if length(text)<40 then text = center(text, 40);MM_Requester title 'text' 'buttons';if rc=0 then rc=words(ret_vals);return compress(word(ret_vals, rc), '_');Restore_Msgs: procedure Expose system.;if system.arg.msg=0 then if ~Request_Choice('\c\n Restore selected msg(s)? \n', '* _YES | _NO ', '1 0') then call Quit(5, 'Aborted by user!');bad =;system.export = '';do n=0 to system.msgs.count-1;nr = system.msgs.n;MM_ReadMsg bad nr 'msg';if RC>0 then do;call Warn_Req('Msg #'nr 'does not exist!');iterate;end;parse var msg.head.0 . 'AREA:' real_area .;MM_GetAreaInfo real_area 'real';if RC>0 then do;call Warn_Req(real_area 'does not exist!');iterate;end;txt = bad', msg #'nr 'to' real_area;MM_MoveMsg bad nr real_area;if RC>0 then do;call Warn_Req('Unable to restore' txt'!');iterate;end;call Add_Export(real_area)